ELF has provided funding to help aid the best possible facilities and equipment is available for patients at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital's Haematology Centre. Examples of how we have improved the facilities and equipment offering are provided below:
ELF has funded two building projects at the RD&E Hospital, including the Haematology Centre itself. The Centre, which opened in 2003, is a recognised beacon of excellence, providing treatment and medical care for people with blood cancers and disorders in a warm and comforting environment.
In 2017, following ELF's Chevithorne Fundraising Appeal, ELF fully funded the construction of a critical care unit at the RD&E's Yarty Ward. The private family suite at the end of the ward has a patient room, family room and kitchen, allowing families to stay close to their loved ones at a time of need.

ELF provides the NHS with vital equipment to help patients and the Yarty Ward staff team. In 2022, ELF provided £20,000 for the purchase of an ultrasound machine to help the nursing team insert cannulas. The machine helps speed up the process and decreases patient waiting time and discomfort.
On Yarty ward, ELF has purchased televisions and fridges for the individual isolation rooms where patients can stay one month at a time whilst their immune systems are suppressed. We have also funded fitness equipment to help with patient rehabilitation and wellbeing, blood storage fridges to help make life easier for the hard-working team on the ward, and new plants and pots to brighten the Chevithorne Suite garden.

If you have been treated at the Haematology and have any feedback or suggestions of equipment that could improve the treatment facilities for patients, please get in touch.