ELF is proud to have supported the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (RD&E) for over 40 years.
Since ELF was founded in 1980 by Dr Miles Joyner, we have provided direct support for patients, families and the NHS team on Yarty Ward at the RD&E Hospital.
How ELF supports the NHS team at The Haematology Centre:
ELF has funded two building projects at the RD&E Hospital, including the Haematology Centre itself. The Centre, which opened in 2003, is a recognised beacon of excellence, providing treatment and medical care for people with blood cancers and disorders in a warm and comforting environment.

In 2017, following ELF's Chevithorne Fundraising Appeal, ELF fully funded the construction of a critical care unit at the RD&E's Yarty Ward. The private family suite at the end of the ward has a patient room, family room and kitchen, allowing families to stay close to their loved ones at a time of need.
We are currently exploring the refurbishment of the isolation rooms to make them feel more homely and comforting for long visits.
If you have any development proposals that would improve the haematology centre for staff and patients, please contact us with your suggestions.
ELF provides the NHS with vital equipment to help patients and the Yarty Ward staff team. In 2022, ELF provided £20,000 for the purchase of an ultrasound machine to help the nursing team insert cannulas. The machine helps speed up the process and decreases patient waiting time and discomfort.
On Yarty ward, ELF has purchased televisions and fridges for the individual isolation rooms where patients can stay one month at a time whilst their immune systems are suppressed. We have also funded fitness equipment to help with patient rehabilitation and wellbeing, blood storage fridges to help make life easier for the hard-working team on the ward, and new plants and pots to brighten the Chevithorne Suite garden.

If you have a request for equipment or project that would help improve the haematology service, please complete our equipment or project funding request form.
Patient & Family Member Services
ELF provides a range of services to support patients and their family members during the patient journey. We welcome you to signpost patients and services to any of our following services by visiting our website, calling 01392 493344 or emailing enquire@elfcharity.org.uk.
- Transport - ELF operates three vehicles available for patients and family members to get to and from appointments. They can book directly by calling 01392 493344 (option 1), alternatively you can refer directly to one of our driving team.
- Counselling - Available for both patients and family members through ELF's carefully selected bank of counsellors. Please refer to the ELF Counselling Services lead.
- Financial Support Grants - ELF Patient Support Grants are worth £250 or £500 and are available to any patient under the care of a haematologist at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital. Patients can apply for a grant with the support of the CNS team at the Hospital.
- ELF support partnership with the Citizens Advice - ELF offers one-to-one confidential advice and fast-track support for patients and their families in partnership with the CAB and Kay Kendall Fund. This includes information and advice on the services patients may be entitled to and issues such as work, money, housing, tax and healthcare. Designated representative Peter Mitchell also delivers appointments at the Haematology Centre. Peter can be contacted directly via email or telephone.
- Free Will Service - Thanks to a partnership with Dunn and Baker Solicitors in Exeter, ELF is able to refer patients and family members for a free will writing or review service. Please refer people directly to ELF who will then provide the details for booking an appointment.
- Aromatherapy - ELF funds a complementary aromatherapy and massage therapist, who provides a welcome moment of relaxation and tranquillity for patients undergoing long-term treatment on Yarty Ward. Ros visits the ward twice a week for two hours.
- Accommodation - ELF can provide a hotel room near to the hospital for patients receiving treatment at the RD&E. This is also available for family members from afar wishing to be close to their loved ones. Accommodation is granted on a case by case basis. Patients must be referred by a member of RDU staff using our REFERRAL FORM
- Filling Time – Patients and family members can obtain drinks and refreshments from our Filling Time Kiosk in the Yarty Ward waiting room. Served with a smile from 10am-2pm, Monday-Friday.
elf Fellowships
The ELF Fellowships aim to secure the best possible outcomes for haematology patients in Devon by helping to ensure our medical staff are highly trained and highly motivated to provide excellent care.
Fellowships are offered to haematology staff to complete further study or attend conferences or other continuing professional development courses. An application is completed and assessed by a panel of ELF and Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (RDU) staff to determine the quality of outcome, considering the impact for both the staff member and patients.
ELF Fellows retain the title for the duration of their studies. They provide an annual report to the Charity and their donors. Fellows in receipt of £1,000 or over then offer a lecture or other outreach event at the completion of the course.
If you would like to apply for an ELF Fellowship to help your career development, please complete an Application Form. Further information about criteria, application and selection is available in the Fellowships Overview.
If you would like more information about the ELF Fellowship Programme, please email molly@elfcharity.org.uk.
development fund
Exeter Leukaemia Fund seeks to ensure the best outcomes for haematology patients in Devon. We believe that key to this is ensuring our colleagues at the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (RDU) have the financial support to proactively undertake projects that will benefit haematology patients.
If you have a project or trial you wish to apply for funding from ELF, please contact molly@elfcharity.org.uk